About Felecia

Felecia Farrell, LCSW, RYT is a psychotherapist, educator, and yoga instructor who provides psychotherapy and private yoga lessons to clients throughout the greater New York City area. She attended Williams College before receiving her master's degree in Advanced Clinical Social Work from Columbia University. While on her life journey, the practice of yoga has helped her find a balance between mind and body. She completed her 200-hour yoga instructor training at Yoga to the People.

Felecia partners with clients to increase their authentic self-expression and improve communication skills so that they can foster meaningful relationships with themselves and with others. She practices from a trauma-informed perspective and racial equity lens, and understands each client is an intersection of the various identities they are balancing (e.g. race, gender, sexuality, culture). She has specialized training in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing, which she combines with other modalities to help clients actualize a deeper sense of self-awareness.

Felecia is currently an active faculty member at Columbia University, teaching graduate students foundational skills for the practical application of therapeutic techniques.

Gender Pronouns: She/Hers

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